Build a Better Future
How to Apply for a CTMAA Apprenticeship
Your Apprenticeship is sponsored and paid by Your Employer.
Application Process
Select a College CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Near Where You Live or Work
CTMAA has certified the above college Machine Technology Certificate programs meet the standards set forth for apprenticeship. You are responsible for enrolling in the college and completing each class to earn the college certificate – with a ‘C’ or better grade. Apprentice employers are required to reimburse apprentices in good standing for their college tuition, books and necessary fees.
Discuss with Your Supervisor - Will the Company Sponsor Your Program?
Next, at a meeting with your employer and you – we’ll walk you both through each of your responsibilities and determine if your prior experience or background might enable your employer to ACCELERATE from a 4-year program to a shorter period. If you have taken any relevant shop courses or have performed shop duties prior – it is this initial meeting where CTMAA and your employer determine the length and elements of the 2 or 4-year program you’ll be required to complete.
If you do not have an employer – or your employer is not willing or able to sponsor – we cannot enroll you in this program. Sometimes, CTMAA may know of employers looking for motivated, responsible entry-level trainees. EMAIL a cover note, resume and work experience, and most of all, show you are serious by enrolling on your own at a local college machine shop course.
Contact CTMAA: We'll Walk You through the Paperwork
Once you and your employer have determined to enroll you in the program –download the APPRENTICE AGREEMENT and the EMPLOYER AGREEMENT as well as the STANDARDS for the Job Certification you will be pursing. Both of you should review them in advance – so you each have the opportunity to ask us questions or get further clarification. Then, contact us to arrange an appointment.
You and Employer Sign & Return Apprentice Agreements
After the initial meeting with CTMAA to go through all of the paperwork and the information we are required by law to collect. We will also provide you with a phone Ap (to record required training as you go) and the NIMS proficiency project and test guides you’ll be required to complete.
Are You US Military About to Transition?
As a recent service member, you may have prior training, and certainly have related job-skills and our sponsors would like to make you aware of great civilian careers. The place to start is the VA “TAP” program Link Below. Then contact us at the email or phone number listed at the bottom of this page.